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Registration Dates

Exact Registration Dates change each year (based on many factors), but are typically around the same time of year. If the exact dates are not yet posted, please check back nearer to the typical registration period -- we will update registration dates as soon as we've finalized them! Some programs/age groups tend to fill quickly, so if registration dates are posted, make sure to make note of them!

Spring Clinic Spring Clinic and Spring Development Clinic will take place from March 3rd - April 3rd, 2025. Registration for HOA members and returning Livorna Swim Team swimmers will begin on Monday, January 20th at 9am. Open Registration for all other swimmers with at least one season of swim team experience (with any team) will begin January 27th at 9am.

Summer Summer swim team season 2025 will run from April 14-July 27. Summer swim team registration for HOA members and returning Livorna swim team families will begin on February 24th at 9am. Open Registration for all other swimmers will begin on March 3rd at 9am. Prior swim team experience is not required, but new swimmers age 8 and under must attend try-outs (we recommend you register prior to try-outs; we can refund your fees if needed.) Attention Returning Families: Several age groups filled very quickly last year, and we expect the same to happen again this year. Please make sure you register during your priority week (2/24-3/2) so you don't lose your spot!!

2025 Summer Swim Team Fees:

  • First swimmer: $485
  • Each subsequent swimmer in the same family: $470
  • Age 15-18: $200
  • Splash fee for each non-HOA swimmer (per swimmer): $225

Junior Dolphins Our Junior Dolphins program is only offered during one session per year, which is about 6 weeks long, in June and July. Registration for Junior Dolphins typically occurs in mid-April.

Fall Clinic Fall clinic typically takes place in September and October. Registration typically occurs in late July/early August.

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