Registration Dates
Exact Registration Dates change each year (based on many factors), but are typically around the same time of year. If the exact dates are not yet posted, please check back nearer to the typical registration period -- we will update registration dates as soon as we've finalized them! Some programs/age groups tend to fill quickly, so if registration dates are posted, make sure to make note of them!
Spring Clinic Spring Clinic typically takes place in March. Registration typically begins in late January/early February.
Summer Summer swim team season typically runs from early April through late July. Summer swim team registration typically takes place in late February/early March.
Junior Dolphins Our Junior Dolphins program is only offered during one session per year, which is about 6 weeks long, in June and July. Registration for Junior Dolphins typically occurs in mid-April.
Fall Clinic Fall clinic typically takes place in September and October. Registration typically occurs in late July/early August.