Friday Night Lights Fall Invitational - Meet Entry Fee

Friday Night Lights Fall Invitational - Meet Entry Fee

Price: $10.64

Use this item to pay entry fees for your Livorna swimmers for the Friday Night Lights Invitational Swim Meet on October 11th, 2025. 

  • $10.00 flat fee covers the entry fee and up to 3 individual swims per athlete for Livorna swimmers 
    • (Note that the additional $0.64 accounts for Swimtopia/ Stripe credit card processing fees; if you wish to pay via other means to avoid this charge please reach out to [email protected]
  • Please use the "quantity" to pay entries for each swimmer in your family. For example, a family with 3 x swimmers registered for the meet will pay 3 x $10.00 = $30.00 
  • Families must work 1 x job at the meet. Job assignments can be selected upon registration. No job = no swims. 
  • Please note this pricing is discounted from that of visiting teams due to the jobs requirement. Visiting teams are being asked to pay a $10/ athlete splash fee plus a $5/ swim fee. Your contributions and time are greatly appreciated! 
  • Relays will be determined based on the number of entries and will be complimentary. 
  • The number of swims will be capped at 3 per individual swimmer. If you wish for your swimmer to swim less than 3, please note that upon registration.
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